
Monday, March 9, 2020

Marriage; Have You Thought About It Properly?

Marriage is seen as one of life’s biggest decision, it’s not something that should be taken lightly. Nuptials aren't for everyone, but for the people who crave commitment, there are some things you should think about before settling down. There actually might be some clear signs that you’re not quite ready for marriage. When you feel like you’ve found ‘the one’ it can be far too easy to run ahead and commit to marriage, however, you should experience life first. It’s essential that you do some soul-searching and put the time into learning about yourself, just as much as learning about your partner. 

Photo by Burst from Pexels

Sunday, March 8, 2020

How to Take the Best Photos For Your Fashion Blog


Are you a keen fashion blogger looking to take your site to the next level? Here are some tips and tricks to improve your photos, which in turn will improve how much people engage with you and can boost followers. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why You Should Research Before You Buy

In the modern world, it matters not whether you are walking down the street, or scrolling through a page on social media; there is always a company trying to sell you something. It seems that modern technology has made it easy for anybody to set up a business and start peddling their products.

The trouble with all of these things flying about is simply that you never really know what you are buying. While you may think you know what you are getting and that you are protected by certain rights as a consumer, more often than not, most of these companies are well hidden and deep in the heart of a country you have barely heard of.

In today’s post, we are going to be looking at why you should be researching everything you buy before you buy it and then we will take a look at a few of the reasons why you should be doing this.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Spring Fashion Tips for 2020

It may not feel like it, but winter is finally retreating. The days are getting brighter and warmer and the sun is staying with us for longer. It’s time to shake off the SAD and lean less heavily on those winter fashion staples. It’s time to tentatively start investing in the fundamentals of your spring wardrobe and planning how you’ll look fabulous in the soon-to-be-ample sunshine. Whether you want to get ahead of the fashion curve in 2020 or are simply seeking a little extra inspiration, here are some spring fashion tips to help you shrug off the last of winter’s gloom and stride like a boss into spring…

Monday, February 24, 2020

Technology Trends in Business

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

We are surrounded by technology these days, and by now, you are probably used to it. Technology, as we know, is both great but also has its downfalls. If you own a business, then it is pretty likely that there is a variety of technological devices and platforms that you use for your business. The thing about technology, though, is that it is continuously evolving because newer gadgets come out, and new platforms are created, so staying on top of the technology that is available can be a little challenging. If you are looking to see what new technologies are gaining popularity, we have a list of some technologies that businesses may currently use or may start using soon.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Are Your Kids Spending Enough Energy Before Bedtime?

When it comes to helping your kids get enough sleep at night, one of the most commonly overlooked factors is how much energy they’re spending throughout the day. Kids wake up full of energy and they need to run around and exercise in order to spend it. If they go to sleep full of energy, then they’re going to be tossing and turning around. They’ll find it difficult to even shut their eyes and relax their mind, so what can be done about this?

Blogging tips