
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Spooky Reads from Macmillan!

Fall is in full force and it's the perfect time to curl up with a spooky book! Even though we don't do Halloween, everybody loves a little fright every now and then - these books from Macmillan allow even little ones to enjoy a little scare. {Books provided for review/feature consideration}

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wunderkind Reads: Get to Know Bernardo de Gálvez

A new children's book by a well-known Spanish radio/TV journalist tells the little known true story of a woman activist who gets Congress to keep a 230-year old promise and hang a portrait of a Hispanic hero of the American Revolution in the Capitol. 

Get to Know Bernardo de Galvez is written by Spanish TV and radio journalist Guillermo Fesser. This beautifully illustrated children's book deals with a timely political/cultural issue and makea a great conversation starter for families on many different topics, like: keeping promises, multiculturalism, advocating for what you believe in, U.S. history, etc.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Always Tired? Try One Of These Ideas For An Energy Boost

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Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to keep yourself feeling full of life and on the ball, it doesn’t always come off. Whether you overwork yourself or you take too much on across all areas of your life, you may find that you’re always tired. And that can leave you feeling lifeless and lacking in energy on a regular basis. But it doesn’t have to become the new normal to you. You simply have to fight back. Because you can work your body back to normal with a few little tweaks. Here’s what you need to do to stop feeling so tired and even kickstart your energy level when your body needs it the most.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Turn Your Love Of Music Into An Income Stream

Regular readers of my blog will know how much I love music - and I’m sure plenty of you out there do, too. And if you can sing a note or two, or play a chord on the guitar or piano, what’s stopping you from turning your hobby into something a little more interesting? After all, it’s not necessary for artists to starve, right?

It’s much easier than you think these days, thanks to the vast array of technology that we can use to create music at home, for relatively little money. And if you have the confidence to get up and strut your stuff on stage, why not go for it?

Here are some suggestions you can use to turn your musical hobby into a possible income stream.

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Sunday, October 15, 2017

5 Ways Busy Moms Can Fit In A Sneaky Workout

Being a mom can feel like a workout, especially if you’re running around from one place to another. Between the school run and work and getting dinner on the table, it can be tough to find time to get a workout in. Wish you had more time to exercise? Take a look at these five great ideas for sneaking an effective workout into your busy day.

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Getting The Glow: Skincare Tips For Beautiful Winter Skin

Not to sound all Game of Thrones but winter is coming, which means that now is the ideal time to start tweaking your skincare routine. The fact is that as the seasons change so does your skin, which is why it is important to have a skincare routine in place for each different time of year.

Of course, of all the different times of the year, the season that it is most important to have a good skincare routine in place for is winter. This is because the combination of the cold outdoor weather and the heat indoors from central heating can cause dryness and soreness, among other skin problems.

However, the good news is that it is possible to achieve that glow in winter, it’s just a case of knowing what care it takes to get it glowing. So bearing that in mind, below are a selection of skincare tips that should help you to ensure that this winter your skin looks (and feels) it’s very best.

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