
Monday, October 12, 2009

All the Little Birdies on Jaybird Street

So my little chickadees... I've got some goodies pour vous. I'm coasting on the euphoric high of the epic Go-Girl promo (thank you to all who participated!), so just like a regular "jay" on the street, I'm working hard for my next fix... And here it is...

The lovely people at Anique Michelle on line boutique have generously agreed to give my readers a 15% discount on their website through the end of October. I thought I'd celebrate this "mayjah" (a la Ms. Posh) coupe by putting together my ideal outfit from all the goodies Anique Michelle has to offer, just to whet your shopping appetite (as if you really needed any help!). The task was actually quite difficult; there are SO MANY TDF pretties on the site, it was hard narrowing it down. But here are "Mama's Picks." Enjoy... ; P

I would start with a pair of my favorite leggings from F21, my go to ankle boots from Bakers, and add to them:
The "On Display" Dress. I love the roomy cut and mix of patterns. It vees in the front and back so it is perfect for layering on necklaces, such as...

The "Limeade" - umm... I really don't have words for how much I like this necklace. And...

"The Cyndi"-for this outfit, I'd go with the orange one. I'd tie it close to the neck so that the fringe would fall long down the back (what good is a back vee without jewelry to accent it?)

I'd wear "Let It Be" and "Cleo" on my right hand...

... and the "Katie," "Lucky Lady," and "Up All Night" on my left wrist; which would also be carrying ...

"The Tayven"- I love this bag! I love the color and I love the size. It's perfect for me because I can have a stylish bag and still manage to fit everything I need in it AND everything LS needs.

And I'd top it all off with these lovely sparklers on my ears...

Aptly named "Goldie."

So how do you like my picks? Too much jewelry (I'm starting to learn that sometimes it really is "the more the merrier.")? How would you change it up? All together, this outfit adds up to $125.50, but if you put in promo code "mama" at checkout, it'll knock the cost down to $106.67 (+ tax and shipping, of course!). Anique Michelle has a wonderful selection of clutches, rings, scarves, hair accessories, and wallets as well. So many thing to choose from, I may have to assemble another look to post... Visit Anique Michelle on line to put together your own fall masterpiece.

It's been fun playing dress up with you guys tonight, but now the bed is calling my name (funny, the bed kinda sounds like the hubby...hmmm...) So 'til next time...

Fashion Forever...


*All pictures in this post were obtained from www.aniquemichelle.com

Sunday, October 11, 2009

All Good Things Must Come to an End?

Long, long weekend. Up with the girls at 5am Saturday and Sunday. Got to dress us all up (my girls are pretty pretty princesses!), and see some folks I haven't seen in a long while. I am astounded by the love and kindness of some very special people in my family's life. All in all, a good time was had by all, and now I'm beyond exhausted but feel obligated to write (in a good way), so here I am.

On the fashion/style/beauty front, I made a few acquisitions this weekend (in an effort to bolster my resolve to start posting pictures) that are directly related to previous blog posts (here and here), so now I'm actually excited to take pictures to show you guys!

I also got my first tube of Kiehl's Lip Balm (in Mango, so yummy!).

It's so good you guys! So now I'm totally tempted to splurge and get the six pack special anniversary set...

It includes Original, Vanilla, Mango, Coconut, Mint, and Cranberry scents. It's $32 which breaks down to about $5.34 per tube and they're normally around $8.50, so it's a decent deal. Plus they're fabulous!

So I'm thinking... To buy or not to buy, that is the question. I'd love to get some feedback. Are there any Kiehl's users out there that can let me know if I really need 6 tubes of lip balm all at once? What's the average life span of a tube for a pretty regular user? And, since I already have a tube of the Mango, it's possible that I may work this in to a GIVEAWAY (instead of just passing the tube on to PS like I usually do)! This is all contingent on response though, so let me know: is Kiehl's the best? Or is my balm buck better spent elsewhere? Inquiring minds want to know. And who knows, maybe you'll receive a balm for your thoughts... 'Til next time...

Oh, and stay tuned... The Go-Girl promotion might be over (thank you to everyone who participated; it'd be cool if you let me know what you purchased!), but stay tuned tomorrow-Mama has something else in the works for you!

(And as usual, you can click on the pictures and it will link you to the page where you can purchase the sited products if you are so inclined. The pictures were obtained from www.kiehls.com)

Fashion Forever...


Thursday, October 8, 2009

In the Great Green Room...

So sleepy, but I must write. It's been a very long day fueled by very little sleep. But this morning I was fortunate enough to have the wonderful Jennine (of The Coveted and IFB fame) actually respond to my email! I was beyond flattered and I am so grateful to her for having started the IFB; it's an invaluable resource and I'm very honored to be a part of it. She suggested that as a fashion blog, I really need to have more pictures on my site. And I have really taken her feedback to heart.

I disclosed my trepidations about putting pictures of myself up on the blog in a previous post, and it's obvi that I have not been able to get past them (yet). But a new day is coming. I'm picking the perfect outfit from top to bottom. I don't want to give off the appearance of trying to hard, but I want my debut to resonate from a place of insight and meaning. So look out world, 'cause here I come! But not tonight, because there is a quiet old lady whispering "hush..." 'Til next time...

(And don't forget-you have until Sunday to get 15% off at www.shopgogirl.com. Use Promo code "GOGIRL." Hurry!)

Fashion Forever...


FYI- The post title and the bit about the old lady at the end are from the classic children's book GOOD NIGHT MOON , written by Margaret Wise Brown with pictures by Clement Hurd. If you grew up in an alternative/parallel universe and did not have the distinct pleasure of having it read to you as a child or conversely reading it to your own little ones, please seriously consider purchasing it (if you click on the book title, it'll take you to Amazon). Your welcome : )

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling

I got a promotion! Well actually I'm running my first promotion, thanks to Shelly of Go-Girl. I'm so excited! As should you be, because for a limited time (from Thursday, October 8 through Sunday, October 11) readers of Mama Fashionista will receive 15% off their entire purchase from www.shopgogirl.com!

Go Girl products take care of those little details that can ruin an entire look: stray hairs on your shirt from that last minute comb through, deodorant marks on your LBD, and the embarrassment of realizing everyone around you knows that you're cold (that can divert attention away from even the most spectacular ensemble). And even the media has noticed that Go Girl should be in every woman's purse, overnight bag, and carry on luggage. Kelly Ripa is a fan of the Lint Sheets, the CHIC double sided tape strips were showcased on the #6 feature of E! Networks Daily 10, and the Smudge Sponge has been featured on The Insider, The TV Guide Network, and on MyStyle.com.

My personal favorites: VaVa-Voom- reusable silicone nipple covers (because my boobs draw enough attention even when they're not "perky"), the Heal-A-Heel moisture socks (because even the fiercest pair of slingbacks look ugly with cracked heels and dry feet), and Oily-Doily blotting sheets (perfect for taking care of an afternoon case of shiny face and touching up make up applications). And if you can't decide what to try, there's No Worries! a totally adorable portable kit with CHIC tape strips, a pair of Bug'N Out disposable nipple covers, a Smudge Sponge, travel size toothbrush, and mini toothpaste.

Can you see why I'm excited! My first promotion is not for some lame company with stuff that no one can really see the need for. It's for necessities no fashionista should ever be without! Visit www.shopgogirl.com and enter the promo code "GOGIRL" for your 15% discount. Happy Shopping! Til next time...
(Oh and don't forget, the discount is only good through Sunday, so hurry!)

Fashion Forever...


(FYI-This is NOT a paid advertisement/endorsement. I have not received anything free from Go-Girl. Just so you know... So there, FTC! : p )

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood..."

I would say that I am at a loss for words, but obviously I am not, otherwise I would not be writing this. I just saw my first professional fashion show in its entirety (albeit on my computer). Alexander McQueen S/S 10. OMG. See for yourself...http://bit.ly/19kiwE. Don't worry, I'll give you a second...

You back? Have the goosebumps faded back into your flesh? Did you pick your jaw up off the floor? Do you need to go change your undergarments? All perfectly reasonable reactions to the SPECTACLE that was that show. The shiny floor, the two robotic cameras running parallel down the runway, the erotic backdrop. And the styling! The Donnie Darko hair (well technically, it's Frank's ears), the prosthetics placed around the eyes, and those pale, shimmery alien faces. And the stars of the show: the shoes and clothes. OMG! The shoes (especially those worn at the onset of the show) were something out of a sado-masochist shoe fetishist's dream. What that man did with cut and patterns and colors was beyond amazing. It was OOC ("out of control"). While I totally appreciate the vision, talent, and imagination that went into the creation of all of the pieces, it really got good for me at around the 9:30 mark. You know, when the shoes changed to the ridunkulous shiny, lacquered, platform pumps? And the clothes were feminine and ruffly and they moved so good it made me want to melt.

It was so uber fantastic. It gave me chills. It was breath taking. But let's be real. The majority of those pieces are just not practical for women like me. And that's okay, because a lot of fashion is truly art; and just as every one can not have a Picasso or Monet hanging on their wall, every piece of haute couture or avant garde fashion is not meant to be physically accessible en masse. And that is okay. Even though I may never fiscally be able to even purchase an outfit straight of a Paris runway (nor am I sure if the beauty of something that high end would even translate in my world), I did acquire something very valuable just from viewing that show.

I can be fearless and bold when making everyday choices, particularly stylistically. I have always prided myself on being an individual. I embrace my uniqueness. When people say I'm weird, I say "thank you." That being said, there is a difference in being comfortable with yourself and taking that extra step to actually stand out. Mr. McQueen has encouraged me to shout without saying a word. Though I know he will never read these words, I want to take this opportunity to say to him, "Thank you, sir."

That being said, I feel the need to segue to a different, yet peculiarly related topic. As I said, I am an unique individual. And I seriously and deeply respect other people that are different from myself. Even when I don't understand where a person is coming from (and though this truly applies to all aspects of my life, for the purpose of this post, the focus is on style), and don't necessarily appreciate the aesthetics of or reasoning behind certain choices, as long as it is genuine and comes from a place of personal insight and respect, I can dig it. To each his own. But really-TO EACH, HIS OWN.

In other words, let me be me, and you BE YOU. While "imitation is the most sincere form of flattery," at what point does imitation become infringement upon someone else's intellectual property? We all derive inspiration from numerous sources, but when we derive inspiration from individuals, at what point does imitation turn into disrespect?

It's been a long day, filled with many lovely things and a little bit of ugliness. But I take solace in the fact that tomorrow is another day. What is your take on inspiration/imitation? Where do you draw the line between being flattered and being offended when someone is quite obviously mimic-ing you? My inquiring mind wants to know. Post a comment and we'll further this tantalizing stream of consciousness. 'Til next time...

Fashion Forever...


BTW: Believe it or not, I actually put a lot of thought in to the titles of my blog posts. This one is a quote from the movie Donnie Darko. And in case you've never seen it, and thus do not get the reference between it and the Alexander McQueen show... here are some pictures of Frank (courtesy of www.depooter.org and www.listal.com)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Land of the Lost

So... I'll try to keep this brief. It's a beautiful, clear blue sky, sun shiny Saturday. I should be out and about, enjoying this lovely, lovely day with the hubby and LS. We even discussed taking baby girl to the playground and taking advantage of one of the spectacular parks that our tax dollars pay for. But here I am, on the computer, my entire afternoon lost in cyberspace.

Don't get me wrong. It's been a very productive and enjoyable day. I just fell like Alice down a hole, where link after link has led me further into the land of fashion/beauty/style on the net. It's truly a wondrous world and I hope to soon be a full fledged citizen of it (as of right now, I still feel like an alien resident on the outskirts).

Anyway, I really think it's worth the time to devote an hour or so (set an alarm or something, because otherwise you too will find yourself looking up at the clock trying desperately to figure out where all the time went) to exploring what is out there in the "blogosphere." When you see something you like, click on some of the sites that they like, and so on and so forth. Expose yourself to something new and creative and beautiful. Open your eyes to appreciate styles that may be far removed from your own, but are fierce and fearless in their unique individuality. Be inspired. And then try to inspire others. Pay it forward.

If you need a way to get started, there are some lovely suggestions on the sidebar. If you have any suggestions for new lovelies for me to discover, feel free to post a comment below. Til next time...

Fashion Forever...

Blogging tips