Showing posts with label eco-armour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eco-armour. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fun Outdoors with eco-armour™ “outdoor” botanical insect repellent body spray & moisturizer

While I enjoy the beauty of nature, I'm not exactly what you'd consider the "outdoorsy" type. Mostly because I hate insects (some might say I have a bit of a phobia, but I digress). Despite my aversion to the great outdoors, as a mommy I want to foster an appreciation for nature and the desire to play out in the fresh air in my children. Unfortunately, I think I may have unintentionally passed on my great disdain for bugs to London (and I can honestly say unintentionally because I go to great lengths to put on a brave face when she is present and we are confronted with a fly, spider, etc.). I tried really hard to not make my fear her fear, but to no avail; she freaks the heck out EVERY time she even thinks she sees an insect out of the corner of her eye. Needless to say, convincing her to play (and stay) outside can be a hard fought battle.

That all kind of changed this weekend when we tried eco-armour™ “outdoor” botanical insect repellent body spray & moisturizer...

eco-armour™ “outdoor” botanical insect repellent body spray & moisturizer

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