
Friday, May 21, 2021

Reducing Stress As A New Mom


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Life as a new mom can be very stressful. You’re having to get used to a huge change in your life - quite possibly the biggest change you’ll ever have to deal with. Meanwhile, you have less time to do all the things you were doing before from carrying out housework to maintaining hobbies. On top of this, you’re having to get by on very little sleep. 

Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce this stress. This could allow you to get more enjoyment out of life as a new mum. Below are just some of the different ways in which you can reduce stress as a new mom.

Schedule time for yourself

Everyone needs some time to themselves. This is time that you can use to destress and care for yourself. As a new mom, you can’t just rely on enjoying free time as it comes - even when your little one is asleep, you can never tell how long a nap is going to last. 

Scheduling time for yourself could allow you to make sure that you’ve got an hour or two to do the things that you want to do whether it’s working out, enjoying time with friends, engaging in hobbies or having a nap. You should try to schedule the same times every week so that you can look forward to them and plan ahead. It could also make finding childcare easier if you don’t have a partner or family member to rely on.

Ask for help when you need it

If you’re exhausted or struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help. This could be something as small as asking a family member to go shopping for you or it could include seeking professional help for your mental health. There are people out there willing to help, but they may not offer that help to you freely unless you ask for it.

If people do offer their help freely and you need it, make sure to accept it. Some new moms can be too stubborn when accepting help. Of course, if the person is asking to look after your baby and you don’t trust them, then don’t accept their help. However, in most other cases you should try to consider help when offered to you.

Develop routines early

Routines are good for you and your baby. It can give each day a structure and purpose that will make you more motivated. Certain routines such as a bedtime routine could also encourage your baby to develop a healthy sleep pattern. You may also be able to teach your child to occupy themselves during certain hours while you do household chores (obviously while still monitoring them). For instance, you could get into the habit of putting on a certain TV program for your little one after having breakfast, while you do the washing up. 

Look into shortcuts and life hacks

There are likely to be many shortcuts and life hacks that you can adopt to make life easier. You can research these online. In other cases, you may be able to work out solutions yourself. 

An example could include putting items in easily accessible locations such as always having diapers and wipes by your bedside or next to the sofa in the living room or putting down mats and rugs in certain areas to catch mess so that you’re not vacuuming/sweeping as often.

Embrace the mess

Small children - especially babies - will create mess. This cannot be avoided. While you should try to keep on top of basic cleaning, don’t try to keep your home immaculate at all times as it will be a constant losing battle. Sometimes it’s okay to go to bed and still have toys all over the floor or a mountain of laundry to get through. As your child gets older, keeping on top of the mess will become easier.

Reduce your daily journeys

Leaving the house can require a lot of preparation with a baby. Ideally, you want to be able to do as much as you can in one journey. Plan out everything you need to do in advance from shopping to seeing friends and plan to do it all in one trip.

You may even find that you’re able to cut out many journeys by doing things over the phone or online. For instance, instead of having to go to the supermarket, you could try shopping online - these online shopping tips and tricks are worth a read. Your local doctor may also be able to do a virtual appointment if you need it and you may be able to get friends to come to you rather than going out to meet them.

Don’t stay indoors all day

While reducing journeys outdoors could help to relieve some stress, you also don’t want to spend all day every day indoors. Getting outside could be important for your mental health and the health of your baby - you need the sunlight, the fresh air and the change of environment.

Plan to venture outdoors at least once per day. The only exception might be if you’re having a really bad day and are exhausted from seeing people - in this case you deserve a lazy day indoors.

Be social

Maintaining a social life is very important for our mental health. Make sure to stay in touch with your friends after having a baby. There will be some friends that aren’t worth keeping in touch with, but you shouldn’t let those closest friends drift away. There are many social activities that you can do with your baby such as inviting them around yours, meeting at the park, going out for coffee or even planning a day out. Having social time away from your baby is also important - consider planning a night out/day out per month to spend with friends and be yourself. 

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