
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Post-Baby Body Getting You Down? Top Tips For Boosting Your Confidence


If you feel uncomfortable in your skin after giving birth, you are certainly not alone. A good proportion of women find it difficult to adjust to their post-baby body. The most frequent issues include extra weight, especially around the tummy and thighs, and breasts that have lost their bounce.

If you are feeling down about your post-baby body, it's important to remember is that there are things that can be done to lift your mood and improve your confidence in yourself. It may take time and effort, but it can be done! Here are some of the tips that I think are most helpful for this purpose.

Losing the baby weight

If you are keen to lose some weight, do to take it slowly and get the all clear from your doctor beforehand.

Take your baby out in the stroller for a brisk walk or jog as much as possible. Not only will you be burning calories, but the motion of the stroller and the fresh air is likely to help your baby sleep.

Try to resist the temptation of sugary and fatty foods as much as possible. A healthy diet with lots of fruit and veg will help you lose weight and make you feel better.

If you can breastfeed, this will help you to lose calories.

Consider a postnatal exercise class (a lot of which are designed to be attended by baby and Mom) or a DVD.

Getting your shape back

Firming up your tummy and breasts is another goal shared by many women following giving birth.

Try some toning exercises like sit-ups and press-ups. As they don’t require any equipment or preparation you can fit them easily around your schedule, for example, when your baby is sleeping.

Hula-hooping is a great hobby to take up if want to reduce your waistline. It will probably provide a lot of amusement for your baby too!

In the longer term, you may wish to look into cosmetic surgery in order to get your pre-baby body shape back. Mommy makeovers are popular and include procedures such as tummy tucks and breast lift. 


Improving the way you feel

Getting your body to a place where you feel beautiful again can take time after giving birth. As you are going through this process, it’s also important to looking after your mental wellbeing so that you feel more positive about yourself.

Yoga is a great form of exercise that not only works the body, but the mind too. Try to squeeze in five minutes each morning before your baby wakes for some stretching and deep, controlled breathing.

Socialize when possible. Being at home with a baby all day is wonderful, but at times it can feel lonely. Meet up with friends and join Mom and baby groups to boost your mood.

I hope that these tips help you boost your confidence. Please don’t be too hard on yourself. Your body has done a remarkable thing, and even though you might not be able to see it, you are a beautiful mommy!

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