
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wunderkind Reads: Muddypaws' New Friends

As much as my girls and I like to watch TV, we also all LOVE to read! I've shared books here before as part of my "Be Chic Literate" series, and now I would love to share some of the gems that my youngest daughters and I get to enjoy during our story time! 

Last night we read, Muddypaws' New Friends from Parragon Books. It's actually part of a series that tells the story of Ben and his best {puppy} friend Muddypaws.  {Book sent for review}

In Muddypaws' New Friends, Ben goes to school but Muddypaws has to stay at home.

Then one day, Ben takes Muddypaws to school, too puppy school! There he meets two funny friends, Patch and Droopy {Patch was my favorite}

The three pups have a great time getting to know each other and learning new tricks to impress their human friends. 

This is Patch. Isn't he adorable?!?

This beautifully illustrated and sweet tale teaches children about making new friends and holding on to old ones. A picture book ideal for all ages! It was an excellent story for both Kenzie and Lo - before London started kindergarten, they were inseparable, like Ben and Muddypaws. London had to learn how to make new friends at school, while Kenzie has had to learn how to adjust to being at home without her best friend during the week. The girls really loved the story and now Lo is begging for a puppy friend of her own {she was partial to Muddypaws}

Do you have story time with your littles? What stories have you enjoyed with them lately and why? My inquiring mind wants to know! Leave a comment below and let me know what you think! Muddypaws' New Friends is available in hardback on Amazon right now for the great prize of $7.19. It would be a great addition to any little library! Until next time...

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