
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

How to Restore an Ill-Maintained Wig to Its Former Glory (Step-By-Step Guide)

There are tons of information on how to maintain a wig. However, the problem is most women start looking for wig maintenance tips only after their wigs have matted out. This is their last-ditch effort to salvage the wig before they decide to trash it.
Old ill-maintained wigs usually have four major problems.
  1. They are frizzy
  2. They are tangled
  3. They are dull
  4. They are stiff (Thanks to all the accumulated dirt)
Considering these are the major problems, we will discuss the best ways to restore your old and unmaintained wig to its original glory. The following tips work on all types of wigs right from short pixies to long fall wigs for women. Without further ado, here’s the first step.

Friday, June 22, 2018

The Charcoal Trend Is Worth It!

Did you know that charcoal is an extremely effective skincare ingredient? If not, now you do! To name a few benefits, charcoal helps to minimize pores and acts as a detoxifying ingredient that pulls away impurities. Try the skincare remedy yourself with the help of best-selling products from Bioré and LAVANILA.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

3 Natural Lifestyle Changes to Get You Looking Younger

We all want to stay looking young forever, and although that may be a stretch too far as dreams go, it’s definitely possible to take certain proactive steps to ward off the advance of time, and keep ourselves looking and feeling younger, for longer.

Many of the techniques that people turn to in order to keep themselves looking young are questionable, ranging from sometimes-intrusive surgery, to alternative health remedies that may have a whole range of detrimental consequences to health, down the line, if not immediately. Raw food veganism, for example, may not be the best way to go.

Luckily, there are some largely uncontroversial lifestyle changes you can make today to help you keep those frown lines to a minimum, and keep yourself looking and feeling younger than your years.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Celebrate National Hydration Day!

National Hydration Day is just around the corner on SaturdayJune 23rd. In honor of your skin and the day, prioritize hydration of your skin from the face down—especially during the summer when your skin becomes extra dehydrated from the heat. CurélIMAGE Skincare and IOPE by AMOREPACIFIC all have best-selling skincare products that are reliable and will be sure to provide you with the hydration that your skin needs!

Friday, June 15, 2018

It’s Almost National Pink Day!

National Pink Day is coming up next week (yes, a holiday dedicated to all things PINK)— SaturdayJune 23rd and there is no better way to celebrate than with your favorite millennial pink products. Add a pop of pink to your #shelfie with these (cute) effective skincare products from KORRESIMAGE Skincare and LAVANILA— you won’t regret it!


Monday, June 11, 2018

Create Your Own Personalized Maps with THE ART OF MAP ILLUSTRATION!

In The Art of Map Illustration, four well-known artists take you on a journey through their unique techniques to mapmaking with a range of media, including pen and ink, watercolor, and mixed media, plus tips and advice for working digitally. Packed with engaging instruction, professional tips, and beautiful finished artwork, this is the perfect resource for contemporary artists seeking to learn the time-treasured art form of cartography.

Book provided for review/feature consideration
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