
Thursday, November 19, 2009


I'm writing this post trying really hard not to cringe so much (I've given myself the hiccups and stomach cramps). But here it goes, here I am. I DEFINITELY need to work on my photography skills (or talk someone else into taking them for me). The first one is from my excursion to Shecky's Girls Night Out with my mom (there is one of her as well, because she is gorgeous and is very much one of my style icons), then there are some very embarrassing shots I took of myself (in my bathroom) because I really like my make up today and figured I show it off to you lovelies! So here goes:

Ok.... time for some necessary self-deprecation: I know the ones from Shecky's are fuzzy (mine cos my mom took it and doesn't know how to operate my camera; and I'm wearing my fave necklace from Twisted Silver, I'll try to find a closer shot, I literally had to keep my mom from taking it from off of my neck so that she could have it!) and the one of her is way far away (cos she would not let me do a close up, but she looked so fabulous I was totally jealous and proud all at the same time). The last three I took of myself and that's just awkward y'all! I need to practice posing and figure out where to get the best lighting and lose like 20 more pounds! Anyway, I know I look totally goofy, but I just really loved my eye make up today and I got so many compliments on it at work so I figured, might as well start here and now with the posting of self portraiture. Hopefully the more I do this, the better I'll get, and the more comfortable I'll be with the whole sitch. I guess we shall see. 'Till next time...

Fashion Forever...


Monday, November 16, 2009

It's Been A Long Time; I Shouldn't Have Left You...

Hello my loves. I want to apologize for being remiss by my lack of posting the past couple of days. There has been a bit of upheaval and change in the Fashionista household. My husband and I are business owners and he has a job outside of the home as well. My primary job was (and continues to be) to take care of home. But we all know and feel the effects of the economy we now exist in and so though my plate is truly piled high to begin with, when the opportunity to make some extra money to add to my family's coffer and provide some fun money for the girls and I, I had to jump on it.

So having a job outside of the house is good and bad for my blogging. It is bad because I am EXHAUSTED. All the time. Women (particularly wives and mothers) know that while we don't receive a paycheck for it, what we do at home is most definitely "work."  So I leave work to go to work, and when I get off of work I go back to work. But hey, it's living and I love every bit of it. I just need to work on my scheduling so that I can devote the proper amount of time to you lovelies. But the new J O B is good for the blog on several levels: more money for fun things to blog about, more exposure to people IRL for inspiration, and most importantly, I have a reason to leave the house on an almost daily basis and thus I have a new venue to express myself creatively which will inevitably trickle into the blog.

See, I've mentioned before my slight trepidation over posting pictures of myself and when I was ruminating as to why I was so anxious about the pics (I may be a little thicker than I'd like, but I'm cute) I realized that part of the problem is that days could go by without my having to leave the house. That meant no need for me to dress up or put on make up (except for for my husband; I have a daily alarm set so that I can get cute for him before he gets home from work) except for maybe once or twice during the week and on the weekends. But now I'm free! I actually get to interact face to face with adults other than people who I share a last name or blood with! The downside is, I am required to wear a uniform of sorts, but never fear! One of my absolute favorite forms of visual creative expression is make up. So now I have cause to get made up and do something bold and different almost everyday so as to set myself apart in a sea of similarity. So I'm thinking I may start to take pics of my make up and detail what I used and how I did it. And now because I am forced to wear a uniform for work, I am very attentive to what I wear when I'm not at work, and I have money to get cute new things (just fyi, it's not as if my family was destitute; I just felt selfish using money that could be used for the family as a whole or for my girls to buy things for myself, but now that I'm earning my own funds I feel a little more comfortable splurging on myself occasionally)! So perhaps to start with, I'll do a style post at least once a week. We shall see!

Anyway, I want to apologize for being gone for so long. Thank you to those of you that participated in the Bebe Bling give away (I'll announce and notify the winner tomorrow). I do plan to post regularly from now on. For now, I am going to retire to bed, as I plan to wake up at the butt crack of dawn to enjoy the epitome of fashion, nature. The Leonid Meteor Shower will be visible tonight in North America and Asia from about 1:00 am EST 'til dawn. I have a whole idea about waxing poetic on the fashion/nature thing so stay tuned for that. 'Til next time...

Fashion Forever...


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Business As Usual

Taking Care of Business
Taking Care of Business by Mama Fashionista featuring Louis Vuitton

Phew! It's Saturday, and as such, the rest of the world (or at least that's how it seems to me) is out having a lovely, leisurely day. But not I! Besides a little shopping for the girls, today has been (and will continue to be, because my day is so no even close to being over) all about business. So I put together this Polyvore set of my ideal business chic ensemble so that I could share something with you lovelies today.  It's pretty much non stop, nose to the grindstone day in the Fashionista household, so no eloquently articulated witty ramblings on the stylish things in life from me today. Nope,  just this vision of Louis Vuitton accented loveliness.  I must be off... 'Til next time...

Fashion Forever...


PS-Don't forget the Bebe Bling give away. Gift giving season is fast approaching and I'm sure there is a little diva in your life that would love a some bling!...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

If You Like It, Then You Should Put a Ring (or a Bangle) On It

As you all know (at least I think you do, the name makes it kind of obvious), I am a proud mummy to two darling little girls, PS is 9 and LS is 16 months. PS is actually part of the reason that I started this blog; she has expressed the desire to be a fashion designer when she grows up and as I encouraged her to do research to find out what it takes to be successful in that field, I found myself inspired and blogging seemed to be the perfect outlet for me.

PS has such a unique since of style and is very creative in a DIY kind of way. She makes her own bracelets, rings, and necklaces and has even embarked on having her own little business by making jewelry for her friends at school. She actually has two jewelry boxes on her dresser because in addition to her own creations, she has amassed quite a collection of pretty dangling things (both costume and fine pieces). She has a better jewelry wardrobe than most girls her age (definitely better than the one that I had at her age) and at the rate LS is going she is going to have quite the collection too!

We got LS' ears pierced at 5 months and she has worn earrings everyday, ever since. When she was about 7 months old, I got her her first charm bracelet and even at that young age she was very well aware of the shiny pretty thing on her arm. She would fuss and cry whenever you took it off (unless it was bath time, and then she understood). When she inevitably lost that bracelet at around 12 months, she literally claimed one of my bracelets, a pretty sterling silver chain made with open linking hearts, and I adjusted it to fit her tiny wrist. She is never with out this bracelet. She will bring it to you to put it back on if it falls off. It's almost as if it is an extension of herself (bizarre and dramatic, I know, but she's really not playing around when it comes to her bracelet).

As she has gotten older, she plays with my jewelry now as well (I have learned the hard way to keep my good stuff out of reach). She will stack a whole arm full of bangles on both arms and put rings on both index fingers and walk around with her hands raised to the sky so that the jewelry does not fall off. She loved playing with my bangles so much, that when I stumbled upon this company, I had to reach out to them.

Bebe Bling is the brain child of Chany Klein and her sister Estee. Like me, they are both moms to two little fashionistas in the making. For a while they discussed going into business together so that they could make a satisfying living and still be at home for their little ones. Because they live in two different states, starting an online business made the most sense. Baby accessories became their choice of wares for obvious reasons; if you have a little girl, you know how much fun it is to dress them up and there is definitely a need for variety and style in the baby jewelry arena. By finding and selecting pieces that are perfect for their little girls, Bebe Bling is now able to offer fashionable, cute and inexpensive jewelry to little divas everywhere. Though their primary concentration is selling on their website at present, it is only a matter of time before you see Bebe Bling in a boutique near you!

Chany and Estee were generous enough to send me a pair of  Butterfly Kisses Dangle Earrings and a Butterfly Kisses Bangle. LS refuses to take off her earrings and, true to form, causes a fuss every time we remove her bangle. She shows of her "pretty" to everyone she sees when we go out and her face literally lights up when we pull the bangle out of the cute little pink box. Sometimes I even catch her shaking her head, so that she can hear and feel the delicate shimmy of her earrings. She is enamored with her pieces and thanks to Bebe Bling you too can put that sweet smile on a little girls' face by giving her her very own Butterfly Kisses Bangle!  That's right, it is giveaway time again!

 LS wearing her Butterfly Kisses Earrings

 LS wearing her Butterfly Kisses Bangle

BeBeBling Set

And  this is my dream set for LS building on the pieces she already has (I just love the idea of her having an arm full of tinkling, delicate, lovely bangles (or "pretties" as she calls them!)

This time, all you have to do is visit the Bebe Bling website and pick out your favorite piece. Leave a comment here telling me about it and include your email address (for your safety, spell out the email address to protect yourself from evil spammers). If you'd like, tell me about the little girl in your life that you'd like to give the bangle to and why. The contest is open until Saturday, November 14 at 11:59 pm EST and the winner will be announced via email on by November 17. Chany and Estee are also offering Mama Fashionista readers a 10% discount on any purchase at Bebe Bling! Just enter the promo code "POSHBABY10" at check out. If you're anything like me (and my little ones) you'll definitely want to take advantage of this offer and start building a covet worthy collection for the little divas in your life!

Oh... And please don't think that with all this attention to LS, PS is getting slighted. Brace yourselves, because her time is coming! 'Til next time...

Fashion Forever...


BTW- The winner of the butter LONDON giveaway was Valerie Hoffmann! Congratulations to her and thank you all so very much for participating. Keep in mind, the more people who read (and leave comments) the more access I have to lovely people who are willing to give me goodies to give to you!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Some weeks I'm Monday's biggest fan-the day is full of possibility and mystery (you know, like Forrest and his box of chocolates). And then there are times when I utterly despise Monday-it's chaos and disorder and meh-ness. Today is one of those Mondays that I hate. I feel totally and completely uninspired and downright ornery. It's actually quite confusing because yesterday was so pleasantly filled with delicious surprise and promise that I expected today to follow suit. But nope...

So anyway, I don't want to spread this gloom of a mood I'm in to all of you lovelies so I will part with some good news and a glimpse of what usually works for me when I just can't turn my frown upside down. First the good news: a winner has been selected for the butter LONDON give away! They will be receiving a very happy email tomorrow. And as I go, I will share with you my little pot of happiness:


How can I look at that face and not smile? I hope it made you smile too. Here's hoping tomorrow is better than today... 'Til next time...

Fashion Forever...


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!

Hello lovelies! As you can see, I've been playing make believe on Polyvore again (it seems to be just the thing to pick up my spirits when I get a little down or feel uninspired). The only thing is this time, I used an item that I actually own! That chic necklace is from Twisted Silver and I have one of my very own IRL! I've worn it practically every day since I got it in the mail. I actually wear it  3 different ways: fastened loose with the tag in the front, as a choker with the tag in the back, and if the neckline of my garment is just right (like perhaps a cute boatneck sweater) I wear the necklace slightly askew, so that the tag drapes over my shoulder on to my collar bone. I get SEVERAL compliments EVERY time I wear my Flatiron Necklace (my mother actually tried to guilt me into giving it to her, and as much as I love her, I had to shut her down) and my Athena Bracelet!

I actually built this ensemble starting with the shoes first (have I mentioned to you guys how much I LOVE shoes). This is another thing that I do IRL, when shopping for a special occasion, I always pick shoes first and then build my outfit around them. I suppose shoes kind of inspire me. I wanted to go with something semi casual (because to be honest, unless I'm in the house or going to the gym, I'm never really that casual) this time, an outfit suitable for running errands (i.e. shopping) on the weekend. Tough shoes, comfy pants, a stand out shirt, and lots of lovely accessories-the perfect outfit for a day at the mall. I also love the clever little wallet; it's so cute that I would decline carrying a handbag so that everyone could see the adorable drawing (plus that would leave more room on my arm for shopping bags).

I've been a little absent this week as far as posting goes, and I apologize for that. But I have very good reasons! I'm working hard in the background to make sure that I have plenty of stylish, witty, and entertaining material (and goodies!) for all of you. I've got big plans people; I consider this blog a vehicle and a journey, and I invite you all along for the ride! 'Til next time...

Fashion Forever...

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