
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Transition Trouble - Avoiding the Big Issues of a Family Move

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Moving your family across town (or worse, across the world) is a huge and often stressful occasion.

From packing and cleaning, to procuring a mover and protecting your possessions, there’s so much to think of and so little time to do it all.

With so many potential issues, organization is key. Below are some considerations to take into account when planning your move, and ways you can plan ahead in order to avoid the most common issues in shifting your family.

A Clean Slate

There’s a mountain of cleaning to be done at either end of a family move.

From end of lease cleans in an old house, to a good baseline clean and scrub of a new house, you’ll have cleaning fatigue more quickly than you can say “call an expert.”

There’s good reason to call an expert.

Cleaning professionals know how to clean a property from top to bottom, ensuring it is germ-free and ready for your family to enjoy. They also take the hard work out of the move, so that you can use your family time to be with your family. To begin your search, try end of lease cleaning Brisbane - they’re a one-stop-shop to get your home back up to scratch.

There Goes The Neighbourhood

A change of location isn’t always ‘just what the doctor ordered’.

Sometimes, there are issues for family members, such as a change in schools or sporting teams. If it’s at all possible, have a dedicated sit down with affected family members and talk about any upcoming changes. Ask for their opinion, and allow them to discuss any concerns they may have. The sooner you work through their issues, the more easy it will be for you to confront any trouble should it arise.

A move to a new house and a new neighbourhood should be done as gradually as possible.

Try to introduce your family to the new neighbour over a period of time. Find a good restaurant nearby, or a park for the kids. Find reasons to enjoy and spend time in the new neighbourhood which make your family excited to go back.

Professional Advantage

Whether it’s wrangling family members, pets or neighbours, sometimes the do-it-yourself option is more than you can handle. Calling a team of professional movers has the advantage of freeing up your ‘moving day’ so that you can concentrate on making sure every member of your family is on board.

Professional movers also offer packing and unpacking services - great for busy families, or families with small children. Consider these options if you’re looking to save yourself from as much stress as possible.

The Bills

Another often forgotten tick on your to-do list is the task of getting your mail and utilities redirected.

This is important, as your address is used across government communications and for school purposes (if you have school-aged children).

Don’t forget to update your address details with your local government. You may have changed voting enrolment areas and need to re-enrol in a new district. Check in with your new local council and find out the important ins and outs of your new neighbourhood. Which day the rubbish is collected, who your local councillors are, and any local and important news.

Moving with a family in tow can add extra stressors to a task which is already one of life’s greater upheavals. By following some of the tips above, you will hopefully have a greater grasp on the planning required to complete a smooth move, with as little worry as possible.

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