
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Fix and Match - 5 Tips For Rethinking Your Wardrobe This Season

We all have no worries filling our wardrobes, but when it comes to culling it’s a different story.

I’m the first to put my hand up for a shopping trip, but if we’re Spring cleaning then fleeing the country is not off the table. Each clothing article or accessory has a story; the first date with your now husband, that hilarious party where everyone ended up in the party or perhaps a special birthday.

Image Source: Harper's Bazaar

While those memories will stay with you forever, it doesn't mean these items have to. So whip out the garbage bags, because we are going black Ops on your wardrobe.

1. Identify your core pieces
They say that 80% of the time, you only wear 20% of your wardrobe.

This, at least for most of us, rings very true which is why core pieces need to be identified and at the forefront of your wardrobe. This doesn’t necessarily mean your favourite items, but instead the items that if you were minimalist (not in this lifetime), these items would see you through 4 seasons comfortably.

Think jeans, reliable leathers and luxurious wool pieces like those from Merino Snug USA. If there is a disparity between core pieces, like 7 pairs of jeans and only 1 jacket, then you may need to rethink your wardrobe and get a balance.

2. What does your wardrobe say?
If you’re anything like me, your wardrobe reads like the diary of someone suffering with multiple personalities. An unexplainable mixture of items we wear to death, items we like in theory, all the way through to ‘what was I thinking?’.

If your wardrobe is identifying with a style you think you should like but don’t, set the wheels in motion to get back to what makes you feel good. Sports Luxe is all well and good, but if you are just on that train because your peers are, that’s no way to live. Your wardrobe deserves to be worn! Get back to what works for you, and find out what you want your wardrobe to say about you!

3. Rehome
Grab all the items you know don’t represent your style anymore and put them in storage bag to hide for a month. After the month has passed, without opening the bag try and remember what is in there. Chances are you will struggle recounting its contents, and won’t need a single item inside ever again. It’s always an arduous task to rehome clothes, although it doesn’t necessary mean a trip to Salvos but an opportunity to make some cash. There are so many apps, groups and forums in which to resell your clothes. Why not see if you can turn on a profit on your pre-loved possessions?

4. You are the size you are. Period.
Ah yes, the clothing that hasn’t fit us for some time now BUT certainly will in the near future.

Always a delicate conversation, but I think we all know that holding on to clothes from 6 years ago when we were slimmer is crazy. There is no room in your wardrobe for denial, literally. By clearing out the items that don’t fit it will make room for those that do, and you don’t have to live that shame and drama every single time you eye off that piece (you know the one). Maybe you have a friend that has borrowed it previously, or a cousin that you think could rock that outfit – give it to them. It will sting far less than throwing away or donating an otherwise intact item, and you can move on to the items that do fit and look great.

5. Repurpose

I know they served you well over the years but nostalgia is no reason to hold on to old clothes.

If it’s truly special there is always the option of repurposing your clothes, and giving it a new lease on life. If it’s an incredible jacket that isn’t suitable for your climate, make it into a vest.

Take some length off a skirt, and shorten trousers to shorts and get your creativity on! If you find yourself with one-of-a-kind fabric, cut off a long thin chuck and tie it on a handle of a handbag. It will give your handbag and a designer twist, and will keep alive this loved article.

Who says that rethinking your wardrobe has to be painful?

Anything is achievable with good music and an open mind, so don’t delay this chore a moment longer and take control of your wardrobe this season.

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