
Friday, May 1, 2020

Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2020 Bookishly! (YA Edition)

Some of these books were graciously provided by Simon & Schuster (and will be detailed below) and some were purchased by me

I have long been a big advocate of reading - and most of the time (especially when trying to motivate my girls to read) I tend to encourage mood reading. However, I also believe that you can't be in the mood to read what you don't see or have available to you. So in an effort to make sure that my household is more diverse in our reading, I've been taking strides to add more variety to all of our bookshelves. Thanks to the lovely people at Simon & Schuster, I had a heads up that May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month! They were gracious enough to send out some books to help the girls and I celebrate! I also pulled some books from my shelves, so my TBR list for this month is fully booked with stories by and about Asian Americans. I’m so happy to participate in celebrating their contributions ESPECIALLY in this current climate. Here are the details/synopsis for some of the books so you can add them to your shelves too!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Beauty Essentials from NeoCell

NeoCell, the trusted brand of collagen built on science that works to illuminate your beauty from the inside out. The ingredients in NeoCell products work to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving behind glowing, healthy looking skin.

The brand offers a range of products from powders to tablets to chews so that you can get your collagen however it’s convenient for you. {Product provided for review/feature consideration}

Monday, March 30, 2020

Taking Care Of Your Home Is Simpler Than You Think

Something that a lot of people find difficult is taking care of their home, and this is especially the case when they are busy, or things seem to be getting out of hand. Looking after your home seems to take a backseat when it comes to importance, and you’d be right to prioritize other things, but the reason people do this is that they think it’s a hard task to do. In this article, we’re going to show you some of the things that you can do to take care of your home and show you that it isn’t as hard as it looks. Keep reading to find out more.

Clean It Regularly

Wardrobe Essentials for the Upcoming Summer Months

We’ve broken free of the winter and the sun is beginning to shine! So, it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming summer months. Chances are you have a bunch of plans scheduled in and you’re going to want to look good for all of them! Now, many of us find ourselves in the same situation year after year - the weather will change, our winter clothes will become too heavy and warm and we’ll turn to our wardrobes to find something a bit more heat appropriate. The problem? Most of the time we don’t have anything ready that we’re happy with. So, start planning and shopping now. Summer clothes are cheaper out of season - so you can save some money - and there will be more stock available, meaning you’re more likely to get exactly what you want in the right size. Here are just a few essentials you should consider investing in!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Things Parents Want You To Know Before You Have Your First Baby

Many people long for a baby to add to their family for a long time before it finally happens. There are thousands of people that have to go through treatments to be able to finally realize that dream. And even though it is everything you ever dreamt of and more, there are things that you may find you wish you had known sooner, and things that other parents might have been able to share with you. Suicide from the practical information such as difference between a crib and a bassinet, what are the things do parents wish they had known before their first baby arrived? Here are some ideas on how you can prepare for this momentous occasion a little better, and avoid the stress of working things out yourself.

Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

Monday, March 23, 2020

Ditch the Paper: How to go Digital in Your Home

Though some of us love the idea of having handwritten notes and letters, most find the unnecessary stacks of paper on their desks and counters to be a hindrance to their productivity. If you have found yourself wanting to get rid of clutter and maybe save some trees along the way, here are a few habits you can adopt to go paperless now. 

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