Thursday, November 12, 2020

What Are The Best Places In The World To Raise A Family?

 Raising children is one of the most important things that you can do in life. Your little ones are precious to you and allow you to continue the cycle of life. The quality of their childhood matters a lot. 

That fact gets many of us wondering: where is the best place in the world to raise a family? In this post, we take a look. 


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The Netherlands is one of the wealthiest countries in Europe, and single-handedly invented modern banking. 

Conditions for mothers in the country are pretty good. The state entitles them to six weeks of pregnancy leave before giving birth and then at least ten weeks afterward. If a mother is expecting twins or triplets, the state will pay for 20 weeks of leave. 

As the child grows up, the news gets better. The country has some of the best-performing primary education globally, setting kids up for a bright and successful future. 


The benefits for mothers in Canada are very generous. Currently, the law provides up to 17 weeks of maternity leave. Furthermore, mothers can take up to 63 weeks of parental leave and get employment insurance if they meet certain requirements. 

The actual benefits that mothers receive vary from province to province slightly in the country. But Canada provides a more European model to looking after children compared to, say, the US. 


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Singapore is famous all over the world for being one of the richest countries in Asia. But it isn't just the economy that makes the city-state a great place to raise kids - it's also the education. 

Singapore takes a unique approach to primary and secondary curricula. Schools create detailed timetables and institute high-quality teaching to encourage kids to learn. Many are quite innovative, trying state-of-the-art techniques to ensure that kids remain engaged in the subject matter. 

If you want to live in the city, you can pick up an HDB sales of balance flat. This accommodation is usually much lower cost than trying to get a regular condo in the city, making it easier to live there on a more modest income. 


It shouldn't come as any surprise that Norway ranks as one of the best places in the world to raise kids. As a Scandinavian country, it enacts a range of policies designed to boost the success of nuclear families' in the country. 

The country allows mothers to take 46 weeks of full pay or 56 weeks at 80 percent of their income when they have a child. The state does this because it wants to increase the birth rate, which has been falling in recent years. Very few young Norwegian mothers wish to have children, meaning that the population of the country could be half what it is today over the next eighty years if trends continue. 

Fathers are also allowed to take ten weeks of paid time off work once the baby is born.


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Sweden is facing many of the same fertility issues as Norway. In eighty years, the population is set to fall by more than half. And eventually, the population will go all the way to zero - faster than many people imagine. 

Interestingly, though, Sweden is one of the friendliest places on Earth to have a child. Parents get around a year and a half of paid leave from work. And parents can mix and match how they spend time off work with their children. 

The country offers some of the best education in the world. But it also has a very pro-child culture. Parenting styles in the state tend to be overwhelmingly peaceful, which means that most kids grow up feeling emotionally stable and secure, leading to a healthy society. 

The main downside of living somewhere like Sweden is the cost of living. Wages here are high, and so are prices. 


Many people are surprised to find out that Australia is one of the best places in the world to raise kids. But it scores highly in the global children's rankings, thanks to its high GDP per person and the quality of its childcare arrangements. 

Both parents are entitled to time off work. And kids are able to go to some of the best elementary schools in the world. Class sizes in the country tend to be small. And the aging population means that there are plenty of teachers to go around. 

The limited immigration to the country is the only difficulty for parents wanting to move there. You have to get in based on points. 

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