Friday, May 24, 2013

May Favorites: Mini Me Edition!

My darling girl :)

I talk a lot about my youngest daughters {probably because they are at home with me ALL DAY!}, but I also have a 12 {going on 13 very soon} year old daughter named Peyton. She's beautiful, smart, thoughtful, and oh so creative! She loves to read, music, beauty, and fashion - so she may not look a bit like me, but in a lot of ways, she really is a "mini" me {I put mini in quotes because at this point she's actually taller than me}! I thought it would be fun to let her be more involved with the blog {in hopes that will quench her desire to be active on social media outlets that I think she is SOOOO not ready for} by doing book and product reviews when appropriate and sharing her monthly favorites. So without further ado, here are Peyton's May favorites...

And in her own words, this is what makes these picks so rad:

1- Balm Chicky in Wild Mountain Honey -This lip balm has been a life saver for me this month. It's smaller than my Rose Salve, so I can fit it into more places. It also smells great, just like honey. {I received a few of these for review a while back; you can find the original review here}

2- Aeropostale backpack - My backpack was really helpful this month with school ending.When it was time to clear our lockers, it fit everything in it nicely and I had a lot of stuff in my locker :)

3- Revenge of the Girl With the Great Personality by Elizabeth Eulberg - I really liked this book. It's about a girl named Lexi. Everyone thinks she has a great personality. Lexi gets tired of her pageant queen of a sister Mackenzie getting all the attention in her family.With the help of a friend she gets a little makeover and suddenly all eyes are on her.

4-The Polyvore App -This app is old news but I have been using it a lot this month. I really love having Polyvore right at my fingertips. It's a great app! {If you're on Polyvore, you can follow her, peytonstyle, and me, mamafashionista}

5- Crayons - I've been coloring a lot more this month.I have always loved to color, because I am not artistic at all when it comes to drawing, but coloring an already drawn picture is a good substitute for me. {I don't know what she's talking about; she is SO artistic, creative, and talented!}

I personally think she made excellent picks; but I'll admit I may be a bit biased! What do you think? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think! Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Loved the view from a teenage girl! I have 2 sons the same age. :) Letting kids on social media is daunting isn't it? My 9 year old keeps asking me for a Facebook account...Ummm, no!!
    Glad to have found your blog via the blogazons! Have a great week! xo Amber


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