Thursday, March 7, 2013

Techie Thursday: Philips Soundshooter Portable Speaker

At first glance, the Philips Soundshooter (in dark green) looks like a grenade, but I’ve been testing it for over a month now, and let me assure you, the only thing explosive is the sound. Skeptical at first, due to its size, I was hesitant as the Apple store salesman handed it to me, but after I got it home and connect it to my iPhone 5 via Bluetooth, I must admit, I was impressed. Now keep in mind, if you’re looking for a speaker to vibrate your entire house, this is not the one for you, but if you just need something that can deliver portability, good sound quality, and impress your friends, the Soundshooter by Philips is a great option.

Gone are the days of running wires around your house, and there’s nothing worse than listening to a weak, drowned out version of your favorite song playing through your phone speaker. I mean honestly, what’s Nirvana without bass? What’s Miles Davis without clarity? When it comes to music, the method of delivery is just as important as the music itself. Complete with an internal rechargeable battery capable of lasting up to 8 hours, the Soundshooter manages to pack just enough power into its small frame to ensure that your favorite hits resonate properly. Let’s admit it; we all turn into Grammy winning artists when we’re in the shower. The Soundshooter makes it easy and effortless to enjoy your music anytime and anywhere. Once synced with your phone, the only thing you need to do is turn it on. It’s just that simple!

Now I know what you’re asking yourself. “What happens if I get a phone call?” That too is impressive. The Soundshooter contains a built in microphone and a Carabiner Clip, so whether you’re on the treadmill, or scaling the peaks of Everest, there’s no need to stop what you’re doing. The music will automatically pause, and with the press of a button, you can begin your conversation. 

All in all, this is a product that I’d recommend. The price is cheap enough to afford, the looks are flashy enough to be a great conversation piece, and the sound is loud enough and clear enough to be enjoyed. Philips has a winning product. I look forward to what else they come up with in the near future!

1 comment:

  1. What is the quality of the sound? I've had other wireless speakers that really didn't produce good sound. Always very tinny. Maybe that is why they were so cheap.


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