Thursday, January 17, 2013

January Bulu Box "Unboxing"!

Bulu Box is the first vitamin, supplement and general health subscription sample box designed to help you feel your best. Every month, you'll get a box filled with 4 to 5 premium, curated samples from top brands. Look forward to a new mix of products for both women and men, including vitamins, weight loss, sports nutrition, protein, diet, energy, detox, digestion, sexual health, herbs, natural remedies, endurance and more. What's great is that they make sure you get enough to decide if the product is right for you. There's no shipping or shady fees and depending on your plan, you can cancel anytime.

I introduced Bulu Box last month, and really enjoyed it, so I decided to try it out for another month. This is just an unboxing post and not a full review. But just as I did with the December box, if you follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, I'll do a product by product "instareview" as I try each item! 

Here's what I received in my January Bulu Box 

NRGX Labs Red Stinger Black Label (MSRP $59.96 fro 90 Capsules) For All Day Appetite Control- Just add sweat, we'll take care of the rest! Red Stinger will boost your thermogenic rate, raise your resting metabolism, curb your appetite and give you more energy! (That'a a lot of promise in one pill, and after a period in my youth of regularly using Stackers, I'm a bit wary of these sort of supplements, but I'm willing to give it a shot!)

Perfect Blocks (MSRP $59.95 for a 3.1 lb. container) For Balanced Nutrition- This food supplement helps deliver essential nutrients that provide long-lasting, sustainable energy and support muscle growth and repair throughout the day in the perfect increments of 7g protein, 9g carbs, and 3g fat. (I'm still in search of the perfect powder that the hubby and I can both enjoy in a morning smoothie, so maybe this will be just what I'm looking for!)

Dream Water (MSRP $14.99 for a 6 pack) For Better Sleep- Three natural ingredients in Dream Water help you sleep easily. GABA helps you relax, Melatonin induces sleep and 5-HTP improves the quality of sleep.Drink 20-40 minutes before bed. (I'm all about something that can help me sleep, as I've had sleeping issues for ages. I've seen this product before and been a bit curious, so I'm sort of stoked to try it out (plus the little mini bottle is adorbs)!)

Immuno Gum (MSRP $3.49 a pack) For an Immunity Boost- A simple, highly effective chewing gum that administers immune system-boosting ingredients in an instant for the "On the Go" lifestyle. (I'm just getting over some unknown bug, we're in the height of an epic flu season, and my kids are basically germ carrying, outbreak monkeys, so anything that is going to bolster my immune system is all right with me!)

Washington Homeopathic Products Sinus (MSRP $9.99 a box) A Natural Remedy for Sinus Congestion- For the relief of thick mucus draining into the throat, frequent hawking, headache from congestion. Dissolve one pill on tongue every two hours for four doses, then every three to four hours. (Though I have now weaned our youngest child, after being either pregnant or nursing for about 6 straight, I'm still very hesitant about using over the counter medicines. This seems to be the perfect solution!)

So, all in all, I'm pleased with this box, though I'm not as excited about it as I was the last one. You can definitely detect a theme of wellness in this edition, and as I said, since we're in the height of an epidemic flu season, I'm not going to complain! Stay tuned to my various social media networks to see what I think about the product individually. Will you be subscribing to Bulu Box? Is there any item mentioned here that you are particularly curious about? My inquiring mind wants to know! Leave a comment below and let me know what you think! Until next time...

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