Wednesday, November 21, 2012

There's Nothing Like a Good Friend with Good Taste! AKA- My Swap with Cafe Fashionista

My lovely, lovely FIB (Friend In Blogging-yeah, I think I just coined a term), Erika Sorocco, or Cafe Fashionista and I decided to do a SWAP!!! You know, like the ones that YouTube beauty gurus do? I just love those videos and I couldn't think of anyone better to do it with than Erika! She has been a loyal friend and supporter wince I began blogging, way back when. I read her posts almost daily (and backtrack when I happen to miss a few) and I always try to take the time to comment (that's one way we bloggers show support for each other). She has impeccable style, incredible taste, and like me she's obsessed with reading, writing, fashion, and coffee! Though we have never met, I have developed a deep affection for Erika over the years, and I am so pleased that we were able to do this swap together.

So, on to the swap! I approached Erika with the idea of a swap a few weeks back-that we set an agreed upon price limit and then exchange packages of goodies and share it with our readers. I suggested that for us, instead of focusing on just cosmetics, we could include books, accessories, nail polish, and coffee. She loved the idea and away we went!

Initially we set a price limit of $100, but we both soon found that that was not quite enough money. We were having too much fun shopping for each other! One of the awesome things about doing what I do, is that I'm exposed to such great brands and products and I was super eager to share my loves with my friend. But a lot of my faves are not on the budget friendly side (honestly, I purchased two items and was well over $50), so we went back to the drawing board, first agreeing on $150, but finally settling on $200.

As exciting as it was to be shopping for Erika, I was even more excited about what she was getting for me! Here is the package she sent:

First, she sent me so much coffee, aka the nectar of the gods! From Target's high end house brand, Archer Farms, she chose a large bag each of Pumpkin Spice and Caramel Apple (how delicious does that sound?)...

and three small bags of Hazelnut (my fave), Christmas Blend, and Cinnamon Vanilla Nut (yum, yum, yummy).

I also received this luxe face cream, Vitamin C Power Brightening Cream with Broad Spectrum SPF 25, from a brand I had never heard of, Grassroots Research Labs (you can find something similar here and here)...

For my hair, she thoughtfully kept in mind my curls and selected Catwalk TIGI Curls Rock! shampoo and conditioner.

Y'all know I'm obsessed with eye shadow palettes, and I suppose Erika knows that too! She bought me my first ever Pop Beauty item, the beautiful Pop Portfolio 36 Shadow Palette.

From one of my favorite nail polish brands, butter London, she chose a Lips & Tips set in a beautiful bright, happy hot pink creme, Snog.

I love, LOVE nail appliques and I LOVE OPI, but I'd never tried their Pure Lacquer Nail Apps. Thanks to Erika, I totally have the chance to now (and she picked the most awesome patterns)!

And finally the books!!! Her selection just goes to show how similar our sense of taste is! She picked 3 books for me: How To Teach Filthy Rich Girls by Zoey Dean (which I've actually already read and LOVED!), and she completed my Lauren Weisberger collection by sending Chasing Harry Winston and Last Night at Chateau Marmont!

I was overwhelmed by how much she got me (and started to feel a bit self conscious about the package that I sent her, but I was assured that she loved hers as much as I love mine), but not at all surprised at how awesome her selections were (I told you the girl has great taste). I'm so happy that she agreed to do this with me and that I have her as a friend! What do you think of her selections? And definitely go over to her blog to check what I picked for her (and you should be familiar with some of the products I got for her, as they are favorites that I have discussed here). What would you include in a swap with a good friend? What are your favorite kind of gifts to give? My inquiring wants to know! Leave a comment below and let me know. Until next time...


  1. Looks like you guys got each other some amazing items! I love swaps and that's awesome Erika participated in her first one with you, since you're already such great friends. :-)

    I always try and give things to my swap partners that I'd want to get, but also that I think they would like. Beauty items are usually nail polish and lip gloss, stuff like that. I like giving dvd's and books and candy (often chocolate).

    I like getting any of that, but gift cards are nice too (especially starbucks).


    1. It was so much fun shopping for Erika! I definitely want to do another swap, for sure with her, but possibly with some other bloggers too!

  2. Yayay! I'm so glad that you liked everything, Quinn! I had the best time choosing these swap pieces for you - especially the beauty items. And I hope that you love Chasing Harry Winston especially (it is my absolute favorite Lauren Weisberger book)!! :)

    1. I absolutely love EVERYTIHNG!!! And i can't wait to crack open the books AND do a "Be Chic Literate" on all of them! Thank you so much love! Mwah!!

  3. Very lovely swap, and you both got each other some very wonderful items.

    It's nice to discover new brands. I didn't know Zoey Dean had a new book out. I'm out of the loop, and the last I read from her was one of the A-List novels. I'll be sure to look this new-to-me book up.

    I try to give unique, personal gifts to friends. The most recent time was when I got a friend a perfume with the same name as her.

    1. That's funny; this is the only book I've read from Zoey Dean (so far). I've heard of the A-list novels, but I haven't read them-yet... Are they any good? Do you recommend the series?

  4. The A-List is more teen/young adult oriented along the lines of Gossip Girl. I personally did like The A-List (or the ones I've read up to and not including Heart of Glass), and they were a fun read.


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