
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

How to Get Back in Shape This Summer

 It’s finally summer and that means that you will probably be in a bathing suit, in shorts, and in shirts that cover a little less of your body. If you are nervous about that, maybe it is time to consider upping your healthy eating and exercise goals. Here are a few tips when it comes to getting back in shape for the summer:

5 GA-Based Companies Creating High-Quality Products and Experiences


Georgia is home to not only great sports teams such as the Atlanta Braves, UGA bulldogs, and Atlanta United, but Georgia is also home to some really amazing companies who are creating high-quality products and experiences. In an effort to help support local Georgia businesses, I wanted to share a few of those companies with you. These companies are going out of their way to focus on high-quality products or experiences, sustainability, manufacturing within the USA, and customer service. They deserve all of our support. Here are a few of those GA-based companies: 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Has Working From Home Become A Real Struggle?


Being productive while working from home can be difficult. After all, there are many distractions – from your cozy bed to your favorite TV show. It’s very easy to get off track. Not only this, but your place of home is now also your place of work, and so the lines can get very blurred. Knowing when to switch off and switch on is a challenge, to say the least. But this is something you can overcome! Let’s take a look at how you can get more from working from home:

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Are These The Reasons Why You're Not Sleeping Very Well?


(Unsplash CC0)

We've all been there! 

Lying in bed at 2 in the morning wide-eyed and frustrated, wondering if we will ever get to sleep.

In the knowledge that we have work the next day or a family to look after, we can start to panic and fret when we struggle to get the shut-eye we need. This can inhibit our sleep further. 

We're sure you can relate to this, especially if any of the following are true to you. These are all reasons why our sleep can be affected, so keep reading and follow our suggestions if you discover the answer to your late, restless nights. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Effective Workouts For Losing Winter Weight



Now we are starting to look forward to the summer, most of us are hoping to lose that winter weight and look amazing in our favorite summer clothes.

When you haven’t been exercising or keeping up with a healthy routine for a few months it is understandably difficult to get back into the flow of things - and you may find yourself simply looking for the quickest and most effective ways to lose weight in a shorter space of time. 

It is important to remember when trying to adopt a healthy lifestyle that fasting is never a healthy way to do it, and there are lots of great exercises you can use to lose weight quickly alongside eating nutritious and low fat meals. 

Today we want to go through a few of the different types of exercises you can try this month that are high impact and will help your body burn fat and shed some pounds. 

Monday, April 26, 2021

3 Tips to Help You Love Your Body



Most people wish they had a picture-perfect body, but the truth is, it’s an impossible dream. Imperfections are part of what makes us human, and our love handles, crooked teeth, and birthmarks are things to be embraced, not banished and hidden away. Nor is there any universal ideal of a perfect body, as it differs from person to person and culture to culture.

No matter how many times you go to the gym or how healthy your diet is, you should never let the pursuit of your ideal body get in the way of your happiness and mental health. Many people fixate on losing weight and obtaining the elusive thigh gap and neglect their own wellbeing in the process. This subsequently leads to low self-esteem, reduced confidence, and anxiety. The happiest people in the world are not those with the most toned physiques and lowest body fat percentage: they are those who prioritize the important things in life that really matter. To help you boost your confidence and self-esteem, here are three tips to help you love your body.

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