
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Finish Line Fueling: An Essential Guide to Runner's Nutrition

All athletes, especially runners, knows that deciding what to eat is one of the most important—and most complex—choices that they have to make in order to guarantee optimum performance. How much should you eat, when should you eat, and what foods should you eat are just some of the larger questions that an active athlete frequently ponders. How do you know what’s the right choice? That’s where sports dietitian and competitive runner Jackie Dikos’s Finish Line Fueling: An Essential Guide to Runner’s Nutrition comes in. Part cookbook, part nutritional guide, Finish Line Fueling helps you get the most out of what you eat.

Book provided for review/feature consideration

Monday, December 11, 2017

Tips To Keep Kids Safe On The Playground This Winter

Winter is making its arrival, and parents everywhere are already assessing all the ways to keep their kids safe once the cold, snowy weather hits. During this time, it is essential for parents to take extra precautions when their kids play outside on snowy playgrounds. Luckily, Rhianna Miller, playground design and safety expert at RubberMulch.com, offers must-know tips on winter playground safety. From checking for slipperiness to testing out surfaces, her tips will help moms and dads keep their kids safe on the playground throughout the entire winter season.

Gift Beautifully with Sally Hansen!

Check out these adorable holiday offerings from Sally Hansen! They're all excellent options for stocking stuffers or for treating yourself! {Product provided for review/feature consideration}

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Preparation And Pre-Preparation For Working Out

Preparing to go to the gym is more mental than physical. It's all about sticking to a schedule and forging the mental fortitude to make it in on time. That's the reason why so many people don’t go to the gym, even though they know they should. It's not that they don’t wish to get healthy and strong, it's the fact that usually they go unprepared. Not only do some people bite off more than they can chew, but they don’t take the right kind of equipment with them. This leaves them to the vices of what is at the gym, such as vending machines. They buy sports bars, drink bottles, energy drinks, and meals high in protein. They also tend to not know that some gym equipment is vital to helping them lift weights, such as wrist wraps, chalk to help their palms grip and gloves to protect them from cuts and scrapes. Knowing all this now, one may be able to see why so many people see the gym in an all too simplistic manner. But not to worry, as long as you know about the things that will help you before you go next time.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Reducing Tech Clutter Around the House

In this age, you will find yourself with different tech for different occasions. You’ve got your smartphone for day-to-day communication, your tablet for winding down after work, or a laptop for watching Netflix.

But all these devices can lead to a bit of a mess. Cables upon cables that get in the way, or even get tangled in themselves.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Glam in Grey with Sally Hansen and Rimmel London!

Get glam in grey this fall with the most beautiful nail and lip colors from Sally Hansen and Rimmel London. Grey is the perfect must have neutral for the fall season and was one of the top colors seen on the runways as the must have autumn shade-- and now you can easily access this trend with the below products. {Product provided for review/feature consideration}

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