
Friday, October 29, 2021

How To Channel Your Inner Domestic Goddess This Winter

 When the winter months roll sound, this can mean that you have to spend a lot more time indoors with your family. And while this is great, it can be difficult to keep the house in order when everyone is in it. Here are some ways to keep your house running over the winter while your family is with you.

 6581245 from Pixabay 

Get Ahead of Yourself

If you know that you are behind on a lot of your tasks, trying to get organized can seem impossible. If you don’t think that you can get on top of your chores during the winter, you might need to bring in an eavestrough cleaning company to help you tackle all of those hard jobs that you can’t seem to get around to. Once the place has had a deep clean, with or without the help of some professionals, it will be easier to take care of it over the winter months with some simple maintenance.

Have A Schedule

Having a schedule for cleaning your house and the cleaning might be one of the most boring things that there is. But, you can’t argue with the fact that they work. If you don’t have a cleaning schedule, now is the time to get one. This will mean deciding what day the beds need to be stripped, when the windows will be washed, and remembering what days the bins go out. This might not be the most glamorous thing in the world but it will help you to keep your home looking great. It will also ensure that no jobs slip past you and that everything is taken care of.


If you hate cleaning because there is too much stuff in your home, now is the time to clear out that extra stuff. A lot of the clutter in our homes is there because we don’t know what to do with it. If you can get rid of it, give it to charity or pass it to someone that can use it. If not, you could always recycle what you can. If there is stuff that you cannot get rid of because it might be important or valuable, you should tidy it away in a storage box and put it in the attic. Maybe one day you will get rid of it, but until then there is storage.

Get the Kids Involved

Living alone means that the state of your home falls squarely on you. However, if you have a partner or kids that live with you, it is time that they got involved with the cleaning. You cannot be expected to do it all so make sure that they know what their responsibilities are. This could be keeping their rooms tidy, running the vacuum over the floors, or making sure that they rinse their dishes after they have used them. Even if they clear up their own mess, this can take a lot of pressure off you and make cleaning the house a lot simpler. 

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