
Friday, February 28, 2014

Work It Out with gud Natural Cleansing Wipes!

Getting to the gym in the middle of the winter is always an obstacle – it’s too cold, it’s too late, I have dinner plans – all the traditional excuses! Introducing gud Natural Cleansing wipes, making it easy to put those excuses long behind us, and the transition from the gym to girls night easier and quicker than ever before. {Products sent for review/feature consideration}

Unlike regular facial wipes, these soft, natural towelettes can be used to remove dirt and sweat from head to toe - leaving behind an invigorating cooling sensation, instant deodorizing effect, and intoxicating scent so you feel fresh and clean. These brand new wipes come in uplifting scents like and Orange Petalooza, Pearanormal Activity, and beloved Red Ruby Groovy, allowing you to have girls night AND hit the gym.

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